~ no reservations ~


Gib’s is a Cocktail Bar in Madison, Wisconsin

Gib’s is a craft cocktail bar built into a two-story victorian house in the Willy Street neighborhood. Offering a charming, relaxing environment to enjoy a drink and conversation with friends. Food is available from our neighbors at Grampa’s pizzeria. Cheers!



* * * S U N D A Y / M O N D A Y * * *
Service Industry Specials All Night Long

* * * T U E S D A Y * * *
Live Jazz @ 9PM

* * * W E D N E S D A Y * * *
Ticketed Comedy 8pm / Open Mic 9pm

* * * T H U R S D A Y * * *
Djs 9pm-Midnight

* * * F R I D A Y * * *
Best night of the week!

* * * S A T U R D A Y * * *
Djs 9pm-Midnight




Hey What’s Up? Hello, $9
vodka, sauvignon blanc, amaretto, lemon, cordials

Not Yet Named Coffee Drink, $11
coffee liqueur, rum, amaro & oat milk

77 Kelvin, $12
gin, shattered herbs & lime

This is a Spicy Drink, $11
chili vodka, pisco, cucumber, pineapple & lime

Yirgacheffe, $12
bonded bourbon, coffee vermouth & grapefruit oil


Antay-tu-koompo, $13
gin, greek yogurt, sage & citrus

Nitro Amaretto Sour, $12
bourbon, pineapple cordial, orange & argan oil

Old-Fashioned, $10
cognac, bourbon, bitters, citrus cordial & cherry

Donna Summer Radio, $13
gin/mezcal, watermelon, lime, ginger & arbor chile

Batch Please, $13
State Line gin, snap pea juice, thyme, cordial, lemon juice

77 Kelvin Cocktail

Private Events

Gib’s is the perfect place to host your next event, from business meetings to baby showers to wedding receptions. Our upstairs bar can accommodate up to 30 guests with your own bartender and optional catering from grampa’s pizzeria or rent the house with space for up to 60! We also offer cocktail classes for groups of 8 or more.

  • Optional Catering available

  • Accommodates 30-60 guests

  • Cocktail classes for groups of 8 or more!


Community Cocktails

Each month, Gib’s features a rotating Community Cocktail that helps give back to the Madison area. Partner with Gib’s and we’ll create a unique cocktail with your organization in mind and donate a portion of sales to your cause. This our way of doing good in the community.

Community Cocktail


1380 Williamson Street | Madison, Wisconsin


Sun & Mon: 4pm-10pm | Tue thru Thurs: 4pm-12am | Fri & Sat: 4pm-2am


Tuesday 7pm - 10pm | Thursday thru Saturday: 6pm-1am
